Sunday, April 09, 2006

Square Three: Birmingham, Alabama

Yes, we are now in Alabama and Central Time. Today was mostly driving and crossing through the glorious Smoky Mts. Shane went bravely back to the high security compound we raided in the dark, and made a short clip of his documentary about the watershed there. No polices. Which is more than we can say about Alabama, after a lightning ride through Tennessee, and a tiny tiny corner of Georgia. As soon as we hit Al. a patrol car came onto our New York plates tail and followed as we stuck religiously to the 70 m.p.h. speed limit, finally peeling off and leaving us alone at Fort Payne.
After that no mishaps to our motel (yes, a real bed tonight!) except for one unnamed driver who left his jacket behind in a Subway shop... but after a swift double back where we all experienced the various road services in the state, the garment was retrieved unscathed and with personal valuables intact. Oh ye of little faith.
By the way, the license plate motto of the state is 'Stars Fell On' which I find inordinately poetic. Tomorrow - Louisiana and perhaps a sight of Lake Pontchartrain, fabled in song. Till then, the teenagers among us are insisting on our first hot meal of the trip in a local (family) restaurant called 'Hooters'. I dunno... will report.
The pics are of the crew and Betsy, as well as Zoe L. in Asheville, NC. Is that Cherry Blossom or am I a botanical idiot? Answers on a postcard, please.


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