Saturday, April 08, 2006

Square Two: Swananoa, North Carolina

Well, despite a 16 hour journey through several climate zones - including snow - we arrived just after midnight chez Zoseph (famed as the scribe behind ALYCE) and were parsed into various dorm rooms. Thanks Tal. Though Mapquest were superb with their directions down to Ashville NC, about a mile away from where I now type with two fingers, the last step of the journey, it/they misdirected us to a Christian College of similar name, and we got lost up a backroad, serendipitously falling upon a watershed. Curiously the sign had been graffitied with 'kill the middle classes', so we knew we were close to a college... Well, we had to film it, didn't we. The jury is still out whether we set off a Homeland Security alarm on the infra red, or whether Robin heard a 'peeper'. Either way, the crew bolted, leapt barbed wire fences (cameras on, of course as per Indie training in such situations) and we sped off in our faithful blue van codename Betsy.
Frankly we are all too exhausted to make any sense. Just compare the above photo from BEFORE the journey.
No water filmed yet, and another long day ahead tomorrow. So see you back here then.
All from all. The Team.


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