Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Shane peaks

hey red leader here

so i guess i will answer the 5 questions first. 1) the funniest moment would have to be when will steped off the curb and sprained his ankle. 2)the most beautiful moment of the trip was when the team did one last final hands in and we knew at that moment we were great. 3) the most annoying moment would probably be the drive home because it was very long and out of the 24 hours we were on the road i slept for about a half an hour. 4) the best food we had was at barb and bobs where we had home made gumbo and it was awesome. 5) the best song i heard in new orleans was when a girl about 23 years old was singing on the street and it was an awesome song. ok well i answered the questions so now its my turn to say some stuff, i just want to say that the team we had down in new orleans was the heart and soul of indie, in my mind without this group indie wouldnt be around. i want to thank all the people we talked to and everyone we met you really treated us like family. although i am glad to be home im really gonna miss the south because our group really bonded and the south freaking rocks. well im out but here is your final quote from red leader "life is like a hurricane you cant predict what will really happen but when it happens do all you can to survive and make it better"

red leader out


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